Most Lyme disease cases are reported from the Upper Midwest and northeastern states and their bordering areas of Canada. In these areas, immature blacklegged ticks prefer to feed on white-footed mice, the primary reservoir for Lyme disease. Western blacklegged ticks and blacklegged ticks in southern states feed as immatures on other small animals as well that may not be Lyme disease reservoirs or are not as abundant as white-footed mice.
Since tick-borne diseases usually peak in June and July of each year, treatments applied in May are most likely to reduce disease transmission. Treatments for blacklegged ticks should be focused along the perimeter of properties, 10-15 feet into wooded areas and 2-3 feet into lawns, as well as to shady plant beds. Granular or high-volume spray applications are best for penetrating vegetation and leaf litter where blacklegged ticks prefer to live to maintain moisture.
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Check out our Hard Ticks: Vectors of Human Diseases ProTraining course:
Ticks are the most important vectors of human diseases in North America and are second to mosquitoes worldwide. Most of the ticks that transmit human diseases are hard ticks. After completing this course, the learner should be able to understand hard tick biology, recognize certain ticks and the diseases they vector, and explain best practices for preventing tick bites and managing ticks on properties.
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