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Nuisance Wildlife Mammals



Latin Name: Eutamias Spp.

Latin Family Name: Sciuridae

Several dozen species of these native animals occur in North America, with the genus Eutamias the predominate western group and Tamias the major eastern group.

Ground squirrels

Latin Name: Otospermophilus beecheyi

Latin Family Name: Sciuridae

These are native animals in North America, with varying ranges depending on the species. The Beechey Ground Squirrel occurs along the Pacific Coast and into Baja California, the Columbian Ground Squirrel in the Rocky Mountains and into Oregon, the Rock and Spotted Ground Squirrels in Texas, and the Arctic Ground Squirrel in Alaska and the Arctic Circle.


Latin Name: Marmota monax

This is a native of North America and is found widely as far north as Alaska, south to Georgia, throughout eastern Canada and the U.S., throughout the central U.S. and western Canada and just touching Washington in the western U.S. This species is the one featured for “Groundhog Day” events.


Latin Name: Ondatra zibethica

These are native animals in North America and are found from the Arctic in northern Canada to Alaska and south throughout the U.S. and northern Mexico. They are found in every mainland state except Florida.

Pocket gopher

Latin Name: Thomomys sp.

These are native gophers in western North America, with nearly 10 species in the genus.


Latin Name: Procyon lotor

These are native animals in North America.


Latin Name: Microtus Spp.

Latin Family Name: Muridae

At least 84 species in this genus, with Microtus pennsylvanicus most prevalent east of the Rocky Mountains and north into central Alaska, and M. californicus most common in the western states. These are native animals.

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