Showing 7 types of WASPS

Baldfaced Hornet

Latin Name: Dolichovespula maculata

This is a native species that is found throughout North America from southern Canada to Mexico and in all states of the U.S. It may be most common in the Southeast U.S.

Common Yellowjacket

Latin Name: Vespula alascensis

This is a native species in North America and can be found throughout all of the U.S. and southern

European Hornet

Latin Name: Vespa crabro

This wasp is native to Europe but found its way into North America by 1840 and now can be found throughout the eastern half of the United States and into southeastern Canada.

European Paper Wasp

Latin Name: Polistes dominula

This species is native to Europe but was introduced into the U.S. as early as 1968 in New Jersey. In the 1980’s and 1990’s it spread throughout the rest of the U.S. and now is found in Canada, Australia, and throughout Latin America.

German Yellowjacket

Latin Name: Vespula germanica

This species is native to Europe and is the common species in the eastern U.S. and Canada.

Paper Wasps

Latin Name: Polistes sp.

Many species of these wasps are native insects in North America.

Western Yellowjacket

Latin Name: Vespula pennsylvanica

This is a native species in North America and can be found throughout the western U.S. and Canada.

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